Thursday, May 28, 2009

If I am a rich man

If i am a rich man, i will buy something and do something i want.I will buy a car, house and a beach. When i want to enjoy a vacation.I can go to my beach. I will not crowd with other people and i can invite my friend go there. It will be funny. I can do anything. Don't worry disturb anyone.I will enjoy eat delicious food evey day and i will go to travel in the word.If my friend need money and i will help him. I will save some money on bank, because one day money will be gone.


  1. Wow! I wanna invited your beach!

  2. Good idea, you should always save some money, especially when the economy is bad like now.

  3. oh my gosh, okay man I wanna come to your beach.
    please tall me what time you here.?
    ha ha ha thnks for every think.
